Cup Of Wonder
The Annotated Jethro Tull Lyrics Page


~ Jethro Tull Album List ~

"Let me make you a present of song,
as the wise man breaks wind and is gone,
while the fool with the hour-glass is cooking his goose
and the nursery rhyme winds along."

Introduction / Jethro Tull Song List / Selected Links On Jethro Tull / Resources

Below you will find a list of officially released albums. Lyrics of songs that have been released more than once (e.g. Locomotive Breath, Hunting Girl) can be found on the original albums.

Album-titles with a and/or -button contain an introduction, annotations additional information. Just click to get there directly. I'm working on the other ones - with your assistance, that is - so feel free to own mail me your comments and your interpretations. Thanks.

The song list contains all song titles. To these titles links are added that will direct you to the lyrics and the annotations. In the months to come more comments and information will be added. For the sake of reference titles of instrumental albums and pieces are included as well.


