Greetings, well met fellows, hail!

For over 30 years I have been a fan of Jethro Tull. I love this band both for their music, their lyrics and for the innovative, original and independent way their music has evolved over the years, taking the best out of all kinds of musical traditions and adding personal taste and creativity to it. One of the things that really intrigue me is that music and lyrics of this fabulous band transcend any genre or style. Even the diehards among us Tull-fans are puzzled about what 'maestro Ian' has been dishing up for us in the past and will be surely in the years to come. The complexity of both lyrics and music appeals strongly to our creativity. Every album, every song therefore is a challenge - at least to me! Remember: Jethro Tull is not for the masses, but for the 'happy few', who do not make a problem of working their way through these complex music and lyrics.......

This site is my personal tribute to Jethro Tull, the band that in their 31-year existence turned out to be a musical love for life and to their music and lyrics that got so intensely intertwined with my personal history. In 1968 I was a 16 year old youngster who in those days could not foresee, that this band would have such an impact. I'm glad it happened.
There is but one subject here: the lyrics written by Ian Anderson, the creative foreman of Jethro Tull. It contains all the songs written between 1968 and 1999, both on the group-albums and Ian's solo-albums as well. As most Tull-fans already know, most of these lyrics are complex and not at all easy to understand. In the poetic sense, I find them beautiful and imaginative. With the help of friends-in-Tull all over the world I will try to make these lyrics more comprehensible (not that I understand all of it myself, mind you!).

In the months to come I will add all kinds of background information and comments on the contents of the lyrics, references made in the texts, additional information such as maps, pictures etc. So this site will be permanently under construction. If you have any comments, information or remarks, that may lead to appreciate Ian Anderson's lyrics even more than they already do now, please feel free to email me. Once I have found them serious I will add them to the song(s) in question, crediting 'the informer'. I thus hope to create a platform for studying, discussing and most of all enjoying the lyrics of our songsmith and "singer of these ageless times", Ian Anderson.

Waiting for your feedback, so please sign my guest-book.

Jan Voorbij, IJsselstein, The Netherlands

You are visiting fan number: since November 19th 1998.


"Remember, your way in is also: my way out !" (IA)

Last update: September 10, 1999:

September 10: The first version of "The Broadsword And The Beast" album annotations were added, since many European fans have been asking for it. I'm still working on them though.
September 6: Annotations added to 'Bends Like A Willow', Far Alaska & 'The Dog-ear Years'.
August 29: Annotations added to 'Hot Mango Flush', 'A Gift Of Roses' & 'Black Mamba'.

August 12: Introduction to "J-TULL DOT COM" and annotations to 6 songs added.
August 3: Listen to the complete new album! More info on my
July 27: Lyrics of the new album "J-TULL DOT COM" added.


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on this site are covered by their respective copyrights.

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