Cup Of Wonder - The Annotated Jethro Tull Lyrics Page

This site is entirely dedicated to the lyrics of Jethro Tull, written by Ian Anderson since 1968. It contains the lyrics of all the officially released albums. Information and annotations will be added in the months to come to make them more accessible, comprehensible and most of all: enjoyable.
So this site will be permanently under construction. If you have any comments and suggestions regarding this website or information, pictures, maps and ideas that shine a light on the lyrics, please email me. I will add them. Thanks in advance. And for all Tull-friends on the globe and for those about to be: enjoy yourselves.

Jan Voorbij, IJsselstein, The Netherlands
(Last update: September 10: added annotations to "The Broadsword and the Beast" and to the new album "J-Tull Dot Com".

